Sunday, December 22, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Emergent layer..
During guided reading, we were learning about a tropical rain forest and to help us remember what the emergent layer was we stood up next to a partner and decided.who would be the emergent layer if they were in a rainforest. (the two tallest!)
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Witches brew
Students were read a story about witches brew, then they got to feel witches brew and sample it (only the kind that was in the water bottle) and vote if it was yum or yuck! So thankful for our volunteers!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Chocolate cheese please???
Our read aloud book a couple weeks ago took characters around a dairy farm. I decided to bring the dairy aspect to life by bringing the students chocolate cheese to try. The first picture shows their first taste. This picture could not be more priceless, look at each of the student's faces! The second picture, the students are giving their rating of the cheese.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Ten more or ten less.
I forgot to post this from a fun lesson a week ago, we were working on finding ten less or ten more. I would shout out a number students would find a whiteboard to write that number, then they would have to find someone else to erase and write ten more or ten less than that number. The students loved it!
Crazy ideas from student teachers..
A student approached me with an idea. He wanted a 10 minute slot of our day to share 23 pictures of monsters, brainstorm for 2 of the best names, (then I asked him how is this related to school) and I kid you not he said, "then we could segment and blend the names". How could I turn him down after that? So today we got to brainstorm, vote and name a monster. The 2 student teachers ran the whole session with a few interjections from me. Check out the awesome tally marks for counting the votes.
I can compare numbers using symbols!
This center isn't just your typical comparison of numbers..students work there way up to comparing four different numbers to correctly align with how the symbols are placed in the equation. (students leg is hiding the 1st number in the equation) These mathmaticians were rockin, I may have to have them compare 5 numbers next time!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Travel Writers!
Our first graders worked tirelessly last week to complete a travel brochure. They took on the role as a travel writer and travel agent. They researched different habitats and worked within a partner to create a travel brochure for that habitat. Students asked luring questions like "Do you want to go on a sea adventure?". Then they had to use their senses to describe what someone would feel, see, hear or even smell or taste in their habitat. They also had to color code a map showing where there habitat was in the world as well as what gear someone would need when traveling there.
To conclude this activity, we invited our reading buddies down to persuade them to visit our habitat. I was so proud of the 1st graders, once they heard the call for all travel agents to begin selling, they went to work! They were shaking their brochures, asking their luring questions, then once they hooked someone's attention, they taught them all about their habitat. The 4th grade reading buddies were very impressed and wanted to visit the habitats! It was a great morning!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Verbs, nouns and adjectives..
Students were playing a game today unscrambling words to make a complete sentence. Once we made a sentence, then students "switched" out the nouns, verb and adjectives to make a totally new sentence! Our "noun" was not happy about going from a gorilla to a pony. Haha. In the pictures below you will see students rearranging the words to make a sentence or writing a new noun, verb or adjective.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Student teachers!
Our first Reader's Theater!
We have been learning how writers can adapt stories. For example a writer could create their own adaptation from an old nursery rhyme to make it more fun, exciting or current. Our actors in class did a fabulous job with a script that was an adaptation from the song "Old McDonald Had a Farm". Check out the audience cheering for their peers! Fun morning!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Time will tell.
Students mastered time to the hour and half hour at their center. Other students said "It was actually really hard to build a triangular pyramid!"
Friday, October 4, 2013
Reading buddies!
Today we kicked off our reading buddies program. We ventured to fourth grade where we listened to a fantastic story called "The Little Orange House". It was about a witch who needed a house, as we read the story, we cut different shapes into a folded piece of paper that was the shape of her house, at the end of the story we opened up our house to see what the inside looked like and to our surprise, it was a pumpkin! Our favorite 4th grade teacher even had a treat for us on our way out the door. Great morning!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Happy faces
Other centers were working away today. Check out the whiteboard where these students made their own true and false equations. Look at our awesome 2D shape artists! Awesome opossum! B-)
Place value...a fun place to be..
I love love love love love (get the picture?) The two pictures below. I am still bursting with energy this evening from what a fantastic day of learning we had. Today in small group guided math instruction we worked on place value. We looked at different numbers and decided how many groups of tens and how many ones made up that number. Once students mastered that, we went onto using manipulatives where I would set out groups of tens, and ones and they would quickly write the number down on their whiteboard. If students get the answer correct I quickly point to them and they know they got it right and they should erase their answer. If they didn't, I quietly and quickly say "try again". The awesome thing about guided math is they are working with students at a very similar skill level which allows for each student to feel very comfortable in learning, trying, not being far behind the person next to them. Students know we can find the answer in different ways but they have to be able to explain in words how they figured out the answer. They have gotten use to defending their answer whether they are right or wrong. Most of the time if they are wrong, they don't realize it until they start explaining their answer to the group...and during some point in their explanation, we usually hear an..."'s actually.." and they go on to explain the correct answer with a smile on their face.
I had to break for a minute to assist another center today and I asked one of the students to be the teacher, and when I returned I was able to capture these two moments. The first image shows 2 of the students counting the manipulatives without needing to touch them, another student it touch counting the manipulatives to get her number, another student already wrote that there are 4 groups of tens in the tens place, while the other student is starting to write what goes in the ones place. In the second image you will see the student teacher pointing to students to erase because they got the answer right and if you pay attention to the other students' whiteboards, the answers are all correct. Warms my teaching heart!
All guided math groups did a fantastic job and got to learn and practice in Mr. Whit's drawing station as well.
Read and search station.
Parent volunteer taught "read and search' station. At this center, students read a story, then searched for long vowels, short vowels, beginning and end of sentences, one and two syllable words, and contractions. They would code their find with various symbols. We love our parent volunteers! (this parent volunteer came with years of experience as a 1st grade teacher, our class is so lucky and had a great time!)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Math meets ART!
Mr. Whit has been a fantastic "addition" (get it addition and math...haha) to our math centers once a week. He helps the students with drawing techniques using 2D and 3D shapes. The students' drawings are looking great. Check out how engaged they are!
Guided reading centers..
Students are reading a BIG book together and writing a sentence about the story and a question they have after reading it. Other students are at the reading informational text center, where they read magazines together and answer various questions.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Understanding basic features of print..
Today during guided reading, we focused our time on hitting the common core standard RF.1.1. To do this, student needs to be able to identity the beginning and end of a sentence, period, question mark, exclamation point. All guided reading groups need to practice identifying the beginning or end of a first, second or third sentence from a page in their book. Students were struggling with which sentence was first, second and third. We will continue working on mastering this so it becomes automatic.
Students also enjoyed learning how to play our new smartboard center that focuses on compound words, contractions, and syllables. We created movements for each word to help us remember what those words meant.
Great Thursday so far! And our afternoon will be a blast, I can't wait!